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Abfrage: SELECT f.ID, familyID, husband, wife, marrdate, marrplace, divdate, divplace, f.gedcom as gedcom,, f.private, f.branch, treename, secret, father.personID as fpersonID, father.lastname as flastname, father.lnprefix as flnprefix, father.firstname as ffirstname, father.title as ftitle, father.prefix as fprefix, father.suffix as fsuffix, father.nameorder as fnameorder, father.birthdate as fbirthdate, father.birthdatetr as fbirthdatetr, father.altbirthdate as faltbirthdate, father.altbirthdatetr as faltbirthdatetr, father.deathdate as fdeathdate, as fliving, father.private as fprivate, father.branch as fbranch, mother.personID as mpersonID, mother.lastname as mlastname, mother.lnprefix as mlnprefix, mother.firstname as mfirstname, mother.title as mtitle, mother.prefix as mprefix, mother.suffix as msuffix, mother.nameorder as mnameorder, mother.birthdate as mbirthdate, mother.birthdatetr as mbirthdatetr, mother.altbirthdate as maltbirthdate, mother.altbirthdatetr as maltbirthdatetr, mother.deathdate as mdeathdate, as mliving, mother.private as mprivate, mother.branch as mbranch FROM (tng_families as f, tng_trees) LEFT JOIN tng_people AS father ON f.gedcom=father.gedcom AND husband = father.personID LEFT JOIN tng_people AS mother ON f.gedcom=mother.gedcom AND wife = mother.personID // ** code replaced by Private Trees mod WHERE f.gedcom="1001-A" AND f.branch like "%ScabellSiegfried%" AND (( !=1 && f.private != 1)) AND (f.gedcom = tng_trees.gedcom) AND secret != "2" ORDER BY father.lastname, father.firstname, marrdatetr // ** end of code replaced by Private Trees mod LIMIT 20

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '/ ** code replaced by Private Trees mod WHERE f.gedcom="1001-A" AND f.branch ' at line 7